Consider costs associated with funding recreation, playground and spray park projects including site preparation, safety surfacing and installation.
A typical cost break-out is:
1. Equipment 60%
2. Installation 20%
3. Excavation and Drainage 8%
4. Engineered Wood Fiber Surfacing 7%
5. Freight 5%
Grants are one way of funding your playground projects.
We offer 40+ grants, for a complete list of grants use the contact form HERE or call us at (810) 229-6245
Purchasing Contracts
We understand the bid process can be challenging for your customers. That’s why we’ve secured a selection of national buying contracts for them to use during their playground purchasing process. Most recently, Landscape Structures, Inc. were awarded the contract in the Sourcewell Outdoor Fitness Equipment and Related Services category. This new contract, 010721-LSI, offers public agencies access to our FitCore™ Extreme, HealthBeat® Outdoor Fitness System, fitness playgrounds, freestanding fitness equipment, and related site furnishings and SkyWays® shade structures.
Below is a reminder of our existing contracts:
- NASPO (National Association of State Procurement Officials)
- NCPA (National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance)
- National IPA
- TIPS (The Interlocal Purchasing System)
Fundraising Options
Fundraising can be an effective way to obtain additional money for your playground project. We have several ideas and support tools to help maximize your fundraising efforts. Engaging the community efforts makes your efforts more prosperous.
We partner with fundraising organizations such as Pride Fundraising and Fund Monkey to bring additional savings and greater returns for your fundraising efforts.
Easy-to-use fundraising program will provide the professional resources to maximize Fun Runs, Bike-a-thons or Walk-a-thons. They can manage your campaign, boost participation and increase overall donations.
FundMonkey is web-based, campaign management software designed to accept online donations, communicate with participants, improve participation and increase overall donations. Fundraising groups use our technology, marketing materials and know-how to get started, save time and raise more money, as much as 30% or more than a DIY fundraising event.
For more information on any of these fundraising options or to receive a Free Fundraising Guide, contact our office at (810) 229-6245 or [email protected]
Penchura offers Lines of credit and Leasing programs for those who qualify.
Penchura offers flexible payment plans and accepts major credit cards.
Playground Fundraising Ideas
There are many ways to raise money for playgrounds and the most successful fundraising programs don’t rely on any one approach. Instead, they will use a combination of individual donors, special events, local business support, project mementos and in-kind donations to reach their fundraising goals. Below are some playground fundraising ideas to get you thinking about all the ways to fund your playground project.
Individual Donors
There are many playground projects that have reached their fundraising goal $10, $15 and $20 at a time. Many times, people are more likely to donate money if you give them something in return such as their name on a sign, plaque or brick at the new playground. You could also ask for money to purchase a specific playground item such as a swing, park bench or an activity panel. Experiment by going door-to-door, calling individuals or initiating a letter-writing campaign.
Special Events and Campaigns
Some of the more traditional, and popular, fundraising efforts include: bake sale, chili cook-off, bingo night, used book sale, walk-a-thon, car wash, sports tournament, and silent or live auction. No matter which fundraiser(s) you choose, make sure your prices are high enough to guarantee a profit. Some events (galas, auctions, etc.) can be a lot of work and you want to make sure it is worth your efforts.
Some partners we work with to enhance your playground fundraising efforts include:
- FundMonkey can turn any 5k, read-a-thon or battle of the bands event into a successful fundraiser through technology and marketing materials. FundMonkey is a web-based, campaign management software designed to accept online donations, communicate with participants, improve participation and increase overall donations. Request a free sample kit.
- Scratchcards focus on personalization to attract support. The scratchcard will include a photo and/or name of your playground project on the cover and supporters scratch one or more dots and donate the amount uncovered. In return, you give them a coupon sheet for deals on restaurants, movies and more! Each card can earn up to $100.

Local Business Support
Many local or regional businesses are willing to contribute to the efforts that improve the communities in which they belong. This could be in the form of donating profits for a single night, a large monetary gift or smaller in-kind donations that can be used for an auction or raffle. You’ll have the most success if you offer some type of recognition or publicity in connection with their support. Playground projects can be great advertising opportunities for companies and you should position it as such.
Project Mementos
Some fundraising programs have found success selling t-shirts or calendars to commemorate the playground project. You could also look to sell other locally-made products like cookbooks, art, candles, etc.